Cité médiévale de Lauzerte



Ph. Gigot


Dans l'échoppe, l'art se conjugue au pluriel. On y trouve les sculptures, sérigraphies, photos et cartes postales de Philippe Gigot, accompagnées et enrichies par des expositions temporaires d'œuvres d'artistes invités.

New 2021!In the stall, art is combined in the plural. There are sculptures, silkscreens, photos and postcards by Philippe Gigot, accompanied and enhanced by temporary exhibitions of works by guest artists.Old books naturally take their place in this unusual universe. Recent works, in limited editions, are also presented.In the basement, in the old converted cellar, you will discover, among the works on display, organic wines produced by harvesting winegrowers. These wines are presented and offered for tasting, by the producers, only during the openings.Opening at the beginning of April 2021.Open all year round: every day in July / August 10 a.m. / 7 p.m., every day except Monday in April / May / June / Sept. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., the rest of the year: Saturday morning.


  • Anglais
  • Français


Du 01/04 au 30/06, tous les jours de 11h à 18h.

Du 01/07 au 31/08, tous les jours de 10h à 19h.

Du 01/09 au 30/09, tous les jours de 11h à 18h.

Du 01/10 au 31/10, tous les samedis de 9h à 13h.



    Rue du marché 82110 Lauzerte


    Route & access